People or robots,
the answer is not
one or the other.

Remote Robotics combines human judgment from a remote environment
with a robot's autonomous behavior, thus taking advantage of the strengths of both humans and robots.
We propose a new option for people and robots to work together remotely.

More freedom for the future of work.
Make the future of work more exciting.

We aim to realize a remote society where all people can participate.
We hope you will join us as we take on the challenge of creating remote working opportunities for everyone.


Remote robotics connects businesses and workers.

In Japan, the population is decreasing. On the other hand, many people find it difficult to work in the current way of working.
With our service Remolink, we want to be there for both businesses who are facing challenges such as labor shortages and safety issues, and workers who find it difficult to work in the current climate.
Our aim is to provide a solution to connect these two groups by offering a new style of work in which people and robots work together remotely.


Realize a remote society where all people can participate.

The social environment surrounding us is changing dramatically.

In Japan, the working-age population is projected to decrease by 630,000 a year.

On the other hand, many people who want to work find it difficult to do so with traditional working environments.

At Remote Robotics Inc. we aim to contribute to the resolution of social issues facing our country.
We have developed a new type of remote work which utilizes the strengths of both humans and robots.
Using this new type of remote work, we aim to create a world in which more people can participate in society.

※: "Population Projections for Japan (2017 estimates)" (National Institute of Population and Social Security Research)


Company name Remote Robotics Inc.
Established December 1, 2021
Capital 100 million yen
Address 1-7-1 Konan, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-0075
Board Members
President & CEO
Executive Vice President & COO
Hirokazu Tanaka
Shogo Hasegawa
Hisashi Tamai
Yuhei Yabe
Hideki Hiramatsu
Yoshimoto Matsuda
Souichi Sagawa
Business content Platform service for remote control of robots
Shareholder Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd. 50%
Sony Group Corporation 50%